
Showing posts from August, 2019

The First Test

Today in class we took our first test. It was honestly challenging but I think it is because we have to get used to the format of AP tests. I am most worried about the writing section of the test because I don't think I responded to the prompt correctly. I am not stressing over the test though, because even though I may not have done great on it I know I tried my hardest and there will be plenty of other tests to come.

"Mother's Tongue"

Today was another typical day in class. We read the essay "Mother's Tongue" by Amy Tan. This essay was mainly about how the author notices that she uses different versions of english based on who she is talking to. She tells about how she speaks a broken english with her mother and husband, but speaks excellent english with others. She then tells about how her mother speaks a sort of broken english. Because of this, people sometimes assume that her mother is not very intelligent or inferior to them even though she is a very intelligent woman. We were then given a prompt for an argument based around language and we wrote our arguments for it. Overall, it was a nice day in class.

Revising The Blogs

Today was another normal today in class. Most of the class was spent reading over our first blogs together as a class to look for mistakes. Because it was our first time, we found a number of errors in everyone's blog. Because of this, we reviewed comma rules and touched on quotation mark rules. We were then told to go home and revise our blogs from yesterday as well as complete a comma quiz. Overall, nothing too eventful happened today.

"The Myth of The Latin Woman: Just Met a Girl Named Maria"

Today was a normal day in class. We learned how to set up our blogs for the rest of the year, and we discussed the themes in a non-fictional essay. The essay we discussed today was called "The Myth of The Latin Woman: Just Meta Girl Named Maria" by Judith Ortiz Cofer. It talked about how the author deals with the many stigmas and stereotypes surrounding Latin-American women. she discusses incidents where she was pre-judged as being a sex symbol and as a worker because she is a Puerto-Rican woman. The author wants these prejudices about Latin-American women to stop as well as the prejudices about other races and genders, but that is easier said than done.