
Showing posts from September, 2019


I was absent today.


I was absent today.

Working on the Group Assignment

Today was another normal day in class. A small portion of the class was spent doing a quick write on a prompt. The remainder of the class was spent working on our group assignment for the book while Mr. Rease discussed the quick writes with us.

Creating a Story

Today in class was very fun. We talked about creative writing and some of the steps involved. We developed a character and created a story around the character. We came up with an amazing story in class, and on Monday, we will add additional info we came up with over the weekend to the story.

"The Negro Speaks of Rivers"

Today was another normal day in class. Today, we talked a small discussion about poems. The poem we discussed today was "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" by Langston Hughes. This poem was short but it held significant meanings behind its words and it felt very deeply thought out. This poem is about the long history of the black race. After we read the poem, we were prompted to make another line for a present day river which ties in with the black race today. This invoked our critical thinking skills in an interesting way.


Today in class, we had a quiz on chapters 5 and 6 of Wild by Cheryl Strayed. It was an overall easy and straight-forward quiz that I feel I did well on. After the quiz, we read and discussed a comical and descriptive article about thru-hikers. It tells us about what they are and what they do in a funny way. We then ended class telling jokes related to the article.

Thesis statements

Today was another normal day in class. Today, we learned about thesis statements. We learned about what they were, and how they are properly constructed. We learned something completely new to me today, as well, called an umbrella thesis. We ended class by writing a three-point thesis and an umbrella thesis to confirm we understood how to write them both.

Remembering 9/11

Today in class, we discussed the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001. This was the day that changed the world; this is the day when two planes, that were hijacked, crashed into the World Trade Center. This changed the world forever due to the mass devastation it caused. One point we talked about in class was how it united Americans. We then discussed what it meant to be an American and what we can do to contribute to the American society.


I was absent today.

Mr. Rease Is Missing

Today in class, Mr. Rease was absent. The class had to go into another teacher's classroom. We didn't know if he left any work, so the class read over the first chapter in the book and took notes on it.

Intro to The First Book

Today in class, we were introduced to the book we will be reading for the next few weeks. Our book is Wild by Cheryl Strayed. We then discussed going hiking because it relates to the book. To end class, we watched videos about different dangers while hiking.

Reviewing The Test

Today in class, we talked more about claims. We reviewed the test from last week to discuss the claims that were in the passage for the essay portion. We then were given a topic about ownership, and we talked about it as a class. We then learned more about the aspects of rhetoric while arguing, and we ended class using these skills to peacefully argue with a partner.

How To Get What We Want

Today was a pretty fun day in class. The lesson today focused mainly on how to properly argue, and how to argue to get what we want. One topic we discussed during the lesson was how to properly argue to seduce. This prompted a lively and funny discussion in class. We then had to give an argument to persuade Mr. Rease to do something about his freezing classroom.