
Looking at Syntax

Today was another normal day of online learning. Today’s lesson looked at syntax and how it is used in a rhetorical analysis essay. Syntax would be the hardest rhetorical strategy to explain in an essay so I don’t think I would choose it but it was still helpful to have this lesson today. AP exams start next week and the school year is winding down with around 8 school days left now. I am now super focused on ending the school year off right and doing good on my AP exams.

Identifying Appeals

Today was another normal day of online learning. Today’s lesson focused on identifying the appeals used in a writing for a rhetorical analysis essay. Even though I don’t remember going over this in class very much, it seems like it came naturally to me. It almost seemed like common sense to me. The school year is almost over and I am just counting down the days now until May 15th.

A Good Friday

Today was. Chill day of online learning. I finished all the work assigned to me early so I was able to relax until our class had a virtual meeting. The meeting shed light on some things we needed to know about the upcoming AP Exam and I am glad because there were still things I was confused about before the meeting. After the meeting, I relaxed and caught up on work for other classes. Overall, a pretty relaxed day.


Today was another normal day of online learning. Today we learned about irony. I remembered most of this from my previous English classes but it was nice to have a refresher on the material. Today marks the middle of another week in quarantine and it is very boring as usual. Mostly everything is still closed but tomorrow is the day that things are supposed to start slowly reopening. This is a highlight in the life of someone in quarantine.

Incorporating Commentary

Today was another normal day of online learning. Today's lesson focused on incorporating commentary in a rhetorical analysis. Going into this lesson, I thought I had this concept down pretty good, but I learned that there was a lot I could improve on. I learned jus what was needed for the commentary and how it should be incorporated into my writing and I feel that it will improve my overall writing skills if I follow what the lesson taught me today. You truly learn something new every day.

Finding Appropriate Evidence

Today was another normal day of online learning. It was a pretty smooth lesson today. The lesson was about finding appropriate pieces of evidence to support a claim in a rhetorical analysis essay. This was pretty easy to me with the passage we had. I am so ready for the world to reopen.

The First Online Test

Today was a chill day of online learning. I Didn’t have as much work today so I mainly took the day to relax. I do have an online test to complete which is the first test in the online format. I am not too worried about it because it seems like it will be easy.