
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Final Presentations

Today was a pretty normal day in class. Today we watched the last of the culture presentations. They were just as good as the others and we saw the first and only poster project which didn't disappoint. After the presentations, we started getting back to the regular class flow. We ended class by writing our next set of vocabulary words. Overall a pretty average day.

Presenting My Culture Project

Today was a pretty chill day in class. We watched more of the culture presentations the whole class period. Today was my day to present and I did very well. I presented on the Canadian culture which was pretty fun to research and present. My grade on the project was a 99 and Im very proud of myself. The other presentations were very good as well today and helped me learn about many different countries. Mr. Rease was right, it does feel like we went all around the world.

Culture Presentations Day One

Today was the first day of presenting the culture projects. This made for an overall chill day in class. Most of the presentations today were pretty nice and informational. I got to learn alot about different cultures in different countries. My day to present is tomorrow and I feel ready after watching today's presentations. I am sure that I will make a good grade on this project.

ACT Prep Math

I didn't attend class today because we had our ACT prep class again. We focused on math today and I am glad we did. Math was the area I scored the lowest in on the ACT. Hopefully the tips she showed us today help me score even higher on the math when we take the ACT at school.

The Argumentative Essay

I was pretty nervous coming to class today. I knew that we had to write our argumentative essays today and I was a tad bit intimidated by the thought of it. Once I got into writing it though, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Once I planned it out, my thoughts began flowing and I wrote my essay pretty easily. I did not get to write my very last sentence to finish my essay before time ran out, but I am hoping Mr. Rease will have mercy on me.

The 101 Year Old Veteran

Today was a very interesting day. I didnt go to Mr. Rease's class today because Colonel Brady, my JROTC instructor, picked me and a few others to go listen to a 101 year old veteran. This was a once in a lifetime experience that I wanted to take advantage of. He told us about his experiences in fighting wars and how times today are much different than times were back then. He was able to accomplish many things in his life despite the odds stacked against him. An example is how he started businesses as an African-american when the country was still segregated. He gave us motivation to push on in life because we can really accomplish anything. I am very grateful that I was able to be there with him today.

Group Project on Culture

Today was another pretty fun day in class. We had a group project dealing with cultures. With this project, we took our previously assigned countries and looked up cultures they have in them. We then compared and contrasted the customs with other groups in the class. This told me about how some countries do these things that we find wierd in our country and it is perfectly normal to them. We also answered a prompt on whether you should be required to follow the customs of a country of you are visiting and thats how we ended class. I think it would be disrespectful to not follow the customs of another country when visiting personally.

Culture and Diversity

 Today was a pretty interesting day in class. Today was mostly spent having an open discussion instead of written work and I liked that. The main topic of discussion was culture and diversity.  I feel that diversity is very important in culture because it is what makes people unique. Even though I am not surrounded by many different cultures every day at school, I still have knowledge on other cultures and want to learn more about them so that I can open my eyes to the rest of the world. 


Today was another normal day in class. We started off class by taking a retest on a multiple choice assesment we didn't do too well on. We then discussed different aspects of culture. This led into a project we were given towards the end of class. For the project, we were given a specific country and told to look up the cultures of it. This project seems like it will be pretty fun while asked being informational. 

A Note To My Mother

Today was a normal day in class. We looked at a prompt about whether having a mother figure was necessary for a man and whether they need to have a nurturing relationship. At first, I disagreed with this prompt, but after looking at the evidence, my mind changed. At the end of class, we had to write a note to our mother talking about the status of our lives. We were instructed to read it to our mother and tell their reaction. My mother was really pleased with my letter but a little surprised because it came out if no where. She was also glad that I asked how her day went afterwards.


Today was another normal day in class. We looked at another writing prompt that dealt with humorists, or comedians, and how their comedy helps deliver the messages that society can't. We are limited to what we can say in society even though we have freedom of speech because some things we say can be looked down and frowned upon in society's eyes. We watched numerous sources with comedians delivering messages in the form of comedic routines. We ended class by writing five claims on the prompt which i chose to defend. 

National Honors Society Set up

Today was another day I had to miss class. I was bummed out because I already missed yesterday and I am getting further behind in work. I had to help set up and rehearse for the National Honors Society induction ceremony that is tomorrow. I am looking forward to the ceremony but I can't help but think of the amount of work I have to make up now. This is just a challenge I can and will overcome.

ACT Prep English

Today I did not attend class because I was selected to do ACT prep. We worked on the english portion today and it was better than I expected it would be. The instructor was very thorough and made sure everyone understood what was required and tested on the ACT. I feel like the instructor will have us ready for the ACT all juniors take on March 10th.