
Showing posts from October, 2019

Writing a Poem

Today in class, we talked about writing poems. The main thing that i took from today's lesson was how you could use an extended metaphor to construct a poem. This was very helpful to me because i was able to make a connection on the metaphors to the poems easier, and it made constructing and dissecting poems easier. When it came down to writing my own poem, I used an extended metaphor and it made it easier to form a quality poem worth reading.

First Quarter Honors Assembly

I did not get to attend much of class today. I was honored at the first quarter honors assembly with A honor roll. The assembly was pretty fun. There was a D.J., pizza, and drinks. I managed to get the classwork before i left class. The class was reading and discussing an essay by Stephen King called "Reading to Write". It is a good essay that explains how you have to read more if you want to become a better writer.

Vocabulary Quiz 2

Today was a nice day in class. Most of the class was devoted to presenting our projects for the second vocabulary quiz. I really liked watching the videos for the presentations because all of them fit the words and they were funny. At the end of class, we were told about our third vocabulary quiz and the requirements and i am excited for this one too.

Practice History Test

Mr. Rease was absent today. Because of this, we had to go down the hall to another teacher's class who will be our future history teacher. She gave us a practice history test to see where we are before we come to her class. I disliked that test with a passion. It was very long and boring as well as confusing at times. I feel that I did pretty well, in spite of it's difficulty, but I am not looking forward to taking her class.

90s Day Party

I did not go to class for long today. I went to the 90s Day Party for our homecoming week. I think it would have been better to stay in class because the party was not worth the money. It was really hot and unpleasant with a big portion of the school crammed into the gym. I am not sure if i will attend the next one after this.

Proper Similies

Today was a good day in class. We spent some time presenting our vocabulary quiz projects, which was pretty fun. I really think we will know the definitions of some of those words by heart because the project engrained the definitions within us. My favorite presentation to watch was one of a student who did not do the project correctly, but improvised as best as she could. Her grade might not be an A, but I give her one for effort. The remainder of class was spent going over rhetorical devices. Until this point, I never knew the true meaning of a similie. I only knew that it compared things using like or as, but today i learned that it does not necessarily need it and there are many ways to create a proper similie.

The Carousel Game

Today's lesson was fun. We were put into groups and were given a topic. We then took turns answering each group's topic in a sort of carousel game. This game was an introduction to a passage that we read, and it prepared us for the topic because we were brainstorming ideas about it. Overall, a good, fun, and engaging lesson.

Rhetorical Devices Part 3

Today was another normal day in class. We talked about more rhetorical devices, and learned how to use them. At the end of class, we did a Kahoot activity to test our knowledge on some of the rhetorical devices we have learned so far.

Mr. Rease Is Out

Mr. Rease was absent today, so it was a pretty chill day. We had a substitute, so we just sat quietly until class was over.

More Rhetorical Devices

Today was another normal day in class, despite having an unusual day leading up to class because of the PSAT test. In class, we wrote a paragraph using the rhetorical devices we learned yesterday for our bellringer. We then learned a few other rhetorical devices for the remainder of class.

Vocabulary and Rhetorical Devices

Today was another normal day in class. We started class by looking at vocabulary words, and we were assigned a small project for them. Afterwards, we looked at a couple of rhetorical devices and how they should be used. Overall, a good lesson today.

The Art of Listening

We focused on the art of listening today in class. At the beginning of class, we did a Kahoot activity on current events. After this, we had a lesson on listening. We learned what it really meant to listen and how important it was. We then did a quick activity to see how good our listening skills were before we were dismissed.

Process of Elimination

We looked at using process of elimination when taking tests in class today. We used the EQT to review answers and to eliminate answers. We got to see how some answers might be correct and how others are totally incorrect. This well be very helpful for future tests.

Imagery Poems

Today in class, we looked at poems. The main type of poem we looked at today were imagery poems. We discussed how they paint images in the reader's heads and uses words that appeal to the 5 senses. We were then instructed to write an imagery poem for homework.

Validating a Claim

Today in class, we talked more about validating claims. We were given a pretend crime scene to analyze. Based on the evidence we found, we had to make it support the claim we were given.  This was a fun activity, and we got to see how lawyers do this when defending their cases by looking at the O.J. Simpson Trial. We ended class with a review of things that will be on the EQT, and we looked at sample essays for the written portion.

Picking the Teams

Class was cut short today. In the brief amount of time we had in class, we chose our teams for the class-based competition we will now be a part of. After we picked the teams, we did a Kahoot activity to start off the competition .